Domain 4- Professional Responsibilities

    As a professional educator, ongoing professional development will occur. Necessary reflection on teaching practices will be documented and used to enhance future lesson plans. As a professional educator, advocacy of my profession will extend beyond the individuals within the school building.  A strong program is built on community support. The goal for domain 4 is to become highly regarded by colleagues, parents, students as well as members of the community.
    This section of the portfolio will exhibit examples of this domain.

In order for the library media center to run smoothly and effectively each year, the library media specialist must advocate for future projects in order to keep the program abreast of new technology and library concepts. In times when budgets are being cut and funds are few and far between, advocacy is crucial for the centers survival. The following document represents advocacy in the library media center.  

Three Year Advocacy Plan Three Year Advocacy Plan
Size : 43 Kb
Type : unknown

 Domain 4 also incorporates outreach to parents, staff and students.  The following newsletter is an attempt to promote the library media center to all three of these groups. 

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