Domain 1- Planning and Preparation

The library media specialist job is one in which multiple roles are played. Assessment techniques are used which document the students progress throughout the school year as well as their academic career. We must design effective teaching techniques in which to convey information literacy content.  Domain 1 encompasses this design. We must keep abreast of the latest technology as well as print and non-print resources available. In order to have outcomes result in student learning, lessons need to be designed to encourage and challenge the student. Assessment techniques need to reflect this outcome. Reflection on design, activities, and assignments is an ongoing activity for the library media specialist.
This section of the portfolio will exhibit examples of this domain.


The following document is a fictitious plan to develop the technology aspect of a school library media center. It represents the aspect of planning in Domain 1. 

Charles_10_1_techplan_5510.doc Charles_10_1_techplan_5510.doc
Size : 127 Kb
Type : doc

 The following Power Point presentation can be used to promote studentlearning.  It also represents technological aspects of the program within the center. 

Charles_10_1_pptsearching_5540.ppt Charles_10_1_pptsearching_5540.ppt
Size : 3182 Kb
Type : ppt

The following collaboration plan represents Domain 1 in that it  shows effective teaching styles to promote student learning. 

Charles_3_5_CollaborationPlan_5564.docx Charles_3_5_CollaborationPlan_5564.docx
Size : 117 Kb
Type : docx
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